3.26.17 | Because. Those. Curls!!!; Wyckoff NJ, Family Photographer

The more I blog about Fall 2016, the more excited I get for the foliage to return on the trees and the weather to warm up! And this session easily brings me back to that gorgeous night when this little girl stole my heart. From the moment she stepped out of the car, till the moment she whispered in my ear that she would protect me from the bumble bee swarming around us. I swear (this time) I didn't run around like a fool when it came close to me haha. But seriously, this pretty little girl is as sweet and darling as she looks—and I honestly didn't want the night to end. It was just one of those sessions where her personality really shone through and it all worked together to create one of the best galleries of the year. One of the things I talk about a lot is how connected I feel to all the families I photograph. I don't know what it is, but the moment a family steps out of the car— everything come together so naturally. I guess I'm just super lucky to meet so many amazing families in this journey I love so much!