2.14.17 | A Little Bit of Art & Beach; Marlboro, NJ Family Photographer

It's only fitting that I blog tonight about this family on Valentine's Day! Because I love them so!! They have been with me since the start and every year I get to spend a great night with them. This little guy was all smiles *such a ham for me*. While little miss cutie made me work for that beautiful smile *and it was worth it!!!*. We've had a lot of great backdrops through the years {parks, in-home, Princeton).... but this place takes the cake! Anyone who is from Jersey, knows this wall! Asbury Park is full of incredible spots to give you a real variety in your gallery! We started out at some of the artistic locations, and wandered around the boardwalk finding all the nooks and crannies, crawled over a huge sand dune to the beach, and finally ended our evening in front of the famous Asbury Park Convention Hall! It was just a gorgeous night all around!